Leptos-Use Guide


Two-way Signals synchronization.

Note: Please consider first if you can achieve your goals with the "Good Options" described in the Leptos book firstly. Only if you really have to, use this function. This is in effect the "If you really must...".



use leptos::*;
use leptos_use::sync_signal;

fn Demo() -> impl IntoView {
let (a, set_a) = create_signal(1);
let (b, set_b) = create_signal(2);

let stop = sync_signal((a, set_a), (b, set_b));

logging::log!("a: {}, b: {}", a.get(), b.get()); // a: 1, b: 1


logging::log!("a: {}, b: {}", a.get(), b.get()); // a: 3, b: 3


logging::log!("a: {}, b: {}", a.get(), b.get()); // a: 4, b: 4

view! { }


You can mix and match RwSignals and Signal-WriteSignal pairs.

use leptos::*;
use leptos_use::sync_signal;

fn Demo() -> impl IntoView {
let (a, set_a) = create_signal(1);
let (b, set_b) = create_signal(2);
let c_rw = create_rw_signal(3);
let d_rw = create_rw_signal(4);

sync_signal((a, set_a), c_rw);
sync_signal(d_rw, (b, set_b));
sync_signal(c_rw, d_rw);

view! { }

One directional

You can synchronize a signal only from left to right or right to left.

use leptos::*;
use leptos_use::{sync_signal_with_options, SyncSignalOptions, SyncDirection};

fn Demo() -> impl IntoView {
let (a, set_a) = create_signal(1);
let (b, set_b) = create_signal(2);

let stop = sync_signal_with_options(
    (a, set_a),
    (b, set_b),

set_b.set(3); // doesn't sync

logging::log!("a: {}, b: {}", a.get(), b.get()); // a: 1, b: 3


logging::log!("a: {}, b: {}", a.get(), b.get()); // a: 4, b: 4

view! { }

Custom Transform

You can optionally provide custom transforms between the two signals.

use leptos::*;
use leptos_use::{sync_signal_with_options, SyncSignalOptions};

fn Demo() -> impl IntoView {
let (a, set_a) = create_signal(10);
let (b, set_b) = create_signal(2);

let stop = sync_signal_with_options(
    (a, set_a),
    (b, set_b),
        .transform_ltr(|left| *left * 2)
        .transform_rtl(|right| *right / 2)

logging::log!("a: {}, b: {}", a.get(), b.get()); // a: 10, b: 20


logging::log!("a: {}, b: {}", a.get(), b.get()); // a: 15, b: 30

view! { }

Different Types

SyncSignalOptions::default() is only defined if the two signal types are identical or implement From for each other. Otherwise, you have to initialize the options with with_transforms instead of default.

use leptos_use::SyncSignalOptions;
use std::str::FromStr;

let options = SyncSignalOptions::with_transforms(
    |left: &String| i32::from_str(left).unwrap_or_default(),
    |right: &i32| right.to_string(),


